full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Jeffrey Kluger: The sibling bond

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Sometimes parents contaminate the deidentification process, communicating to their kids subtly or not, that only certain kinds of accomplishments will be applauded in the home. Joe Kennedy was fumoas for this, miknag it clear to his nine children that they were expected to compete with one another in actielths and were expected to win, lest they be made to eat in the kiechtn with the help, rather than in the dining room with the family. It's no wonder that scrawny second-born Jack kndeeny fought so hard to compete with his fitter firstborn brother, Joe, often at his priel, at one pinot, engaging in a bicycle race around the house that resulted in a collision cntsoig John 28 stitches. Joe walked away essentially unharmed.

Open Cloze

Sometimes parents contaminate the deidentification process, communicating to their kids subtly or not, that only certain kinds of accomplishments will be applauded in the home. Joe Kennedy was ______ for this, ______ it clear to his nine children that they were expected to compete with one another in _________ and were expected to win, lest they be made to eat in the _______ with the help, rather than in the dining room with the family. It's no wonder that scrawny second-born Jack _______ fought so hard to compete with his fitter firstborn brother, Joe, often at his _____, at one _____, engaging in a bicycle race around the house that resulted in a collision _______ John 28 stitches. Joe walked away essentially unharmed.


  1. kennedy
  2. point
  3. making
  4. kitchen
  5. athletics
  6. costing
  7. peril
  8. famous

Original Text

Sometimes parents contaminate the deidentification process, communicating to their kids subtly or not, that only certain kinds of accomplishments will be applauded in the home. Joe Kennedy was famous for this, making it clear to his nine children that they were expected to compete with one another in athletics and were expected to win, lest they be made to eat in the kitchen with the help, rather than in the dining room with the family. It's no wonder that scrawny second-born Jack Kennedy fought so hard to compete with his fitter firstborn brother, Joe, often at his peril, at one point, engaging in a bicycle race around the house that resulted in a collision costing John 28 stitches. Joe walked away essentially unharmed.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
sibling bond 3
good idea 2
saturday mornings 2
life siblings 2
mac os 2
common favorite 2
iq advantage 2
middle borns 2
small children 2
young daughters 2

Important Words

  1. accomplishments
  2. applauded
  3. athletics
  4. bicycle
  5. brother
  6. children
  7. clear
  8. collision
  9. communicating
  10. compete
  11. contaminate
  12. costing
  13. deidentification
  14. dining
  15. eat
  16. engaging
  17. essentially
  18. expected
  19. family
  20. famous
  21. firstborn
  22. fitter
  23. fought
  24. hard
  25. home
  26. house
  27. jack
  28. joe
  29. john
  30. kennedy
  31. kids
  32. kinds
  33. kitchen
  34. making
  35. parents
  36. peril
  37. point
  38. process
  39. race
  40. resulted
  41. room
  42. scrawny
  43. stitches
  44. subtly
  45. unharmed
  46. walked
  47. win